The effect of QCE5®EazyGrower on the germination and growth rate in sugar beet
The tests were carried out to assess the germination and growth rate in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris).
Seeds of sugar beet were used in the experiment. The plants were grown in 5-L pots filled with universal soil. The research was carried out in three variants: two samples with seeds soaked in QCE5® EazyGrower for 24 hours before sowing at two different dilutions of the formulation, i.e. 100x (1:100) and 200x( 1:200), and a control sample (without the addition of QCE5® EazyGrower). Additionally, foliar spraying with the identical concentrations of the formulation was carried out every 5 days throughout the plant growth period. Photographic documentation was made during plant growth, and beet roots were weighed at the end of the experiment. Additionally, the sucrose content was determined in the sugar beet roots with the polarimetric method.
Effect of QCE5®EazyGrower preparation on sugar beet growth:
Fig. 1, 2, 3. Comparison of the germination capacity of sugar beet seeds in the control and experimental samples (on day 11 after sowing the seeds)
Fig. 6,7,8. Stage of sugar beet growth before sampling for analysis (on day 60 after the establishment of the cultivation)
Fig. 9,10. Growth stage in sugar beet after removal of the shoot (on day 60 after the establishment of the cultivation)
The treatment of the seeds of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris) with QCE5® EazyGrower increased the germination capacity of the plants.
The plants exhibited a clearly higher rate of development in the experimental samples in proportion to the preparation dose applied.The differences in the growth rate persisted in the subsequent weeks of the experiment.
The higher rate of growth of the above-ground part of sugar beet resulted in better root development.
Relative to the control, the comparative analysis of the fresh weight of sugar beet roots showed an 25% higher root weight gain in the x100 experimental sample and an 40% higher weight gain in the x200 sample after 40 days.The weight of sugar beet roots after 60 days of cultivation differed significantly by approximately 19% in the x100 experimental sample and by approximately 47% in the x200 experimental sample, compared to the control sample.
Higher content of sucrose in sugar beet was determined in the x100 experimental sample, compared to the control.
The results of the experiment indicate considerable potential of the analysed formulation to exert various effects on plant growth and development.